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Classification of reinforced concrete products

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With the application of concrete products, polypropylene anti cracking fiber has been developed continuously. Cement products mainly include the following categories:

Cement pipe: concrete water pipe, cement pressure pipe, cement drainage pipe, cement well pipe, reinforced concrete segment, steel fiber reinforced concrete well cover, cement cable pipe;
Cement pole, cement pile, cement sleeper, cement pit column support;
Highway reinforced concrete bridge, railway reinforced concrete bridge;
Cement concrete brick;
Cement tile: cement concrete flat tile, cement concrete ridge tile, other cement concrete tile;
Cement pavement brick, cement tile, cement curb, cement trench cover plate, building terrazzo products, other cement concrete products;
Cement board: concrete hollow slab, steel mesh cement board, steel wire mesh cement polystyrene sandwich board, magnesium oxychloride cement plate, cement sawdust board, perforated fiber cement board for sound absorption;
Commercial concrete;

Anti cracking fiber can be applied to all the above concrete products, whether synthetic microfibersynthetic macro fiber, steel fiber, glass fiber, or basalt fiber.

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