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Ultra short PP microfiber 0.5mm as concrete fiber

Writer: admin Time:2023-11-01 16:34 Browse:

In order to meet the needs of customers and different projects, our company has been actively developing and expanding products, and has launched FDM350 and FD9130-1.5mm
FDM350 is a kind of polypropylene coarse fiber with thin single filament diameter, with a length of 6-60mm. The fiber has a high strength of 700MPa and a small diameter, which can meet the needs of thin lightweight concrete engineering.
FD9130-1.5mm is a monofilament Polypropylene Microfiber. The product length is 1.5mm and the length is uniform. It can be used in concrete, mortar, putty powder and other projects. It can be used in thin and wall engineering.
In addition, the company is introducing new short cutting equipment from the United States, and new products will be added in the future. The diameter of single filament is 18um, and the length is 0.5mm, 1mm, 2mm and 2.5mm.

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