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What's the Ultra High Performance Concrete

Writer: admin Time:2023-11-23 20:58 Browse:

Ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) is famous for its "three high", that is, high durability, high workability and high strength, known as the 21st century concrete. In China's sustainable development strategy, with the promotion and development of green concrete engineering materials, ultra-high strength and high performance concrete has attracted great attention of experts in improving the environment, improving economic benefits, solving the difficult problems in the project, etc. The fiber used for UHPC is PVA fiber, UHMWPE fiber,High strength PP fiber etc.
UHMWPE fiber for UHPC
Ultra high performance concrete is the most innovative cement-based engineering material in the past 30 years, which has achieved a great leap in engineering material performance. The most successful ones are RPC (reactive powder concrete), sifcon (grouting fiber reinforced concrete) and CRC (compact reinforced composite).
Super high performance concrete includes two aspects: super high durability and super high mechanical properties. It is characterized by high strength and compactness. It overcomes the brittleness of concrete materials with a large number of fiber reinforcement, and uses false toughness to prevent the sudden fracture of concrete.

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